History of the Thriller Genre

The familiar thriller genre is characterized by its uncertainty and constant heat of passion, which combine to produce a mixed feeling of anxiety and fascination mixed with apprehension and even fear. This range of feelings and experiences is achieved by creating an unpredictable plot in which the reader (or viewer) evaluates the consequences of an event. Usually, in a thriller, the sense of suspense increases as the story nears a climax followed by an unforgettable ending.

Because of such nerve-racking elements as suspense and crime, conspiracy and revenge, the thriller has always been one of those genres of creativity (not just literature) that has held the attention of audiences for centuries. At the mention of the word thriller, many people probably think of Alfred Hitchcock and his outstanding films, such as Psycho. However, the history of the genre goes back deep into antiquity – even before the creation of film and big screens. So let’s dive into that history together!

Characteristics of the thriller
First and foremost, this genre is known for the emotional intensity it creates. The understatement, the anxiety, the mystery – all this is present in this genre. The main character faces a task of a difficult nature, the completion of which requires a heroic effort or sacrifice.

The level of suspense may increase throughout the book or suddenly hit the reader’s senses from the very first page. Either way, the work should keep you engaged most of the time. But the main feature of any thriller is its intensity, which, literally, causes the reader to really race on the waves of intrigue and passion.

Often the key to a great thriller is not only the high skill of the writer, but also the careful research of the topic and the conception of a “tangled” and intriguing plot. In translation from English thrill means to arouse trepidation, awe. That is what can be considered the main purpose of a thriller novel! But beyond this, the thriller often provides quite detailed information about the environment, such as the legal system, the medical system, the history of espionage, etc. So there are writers who, based on their medical or military experiences, create novels with a confusing and intriguing plot.

Very often thrillers are confused with detectives, but there is one obvious difference between the two genres. In detectives, the main character is faced with a mystery (such as a murder), and he must find clues that will lead him to the answer. In a thriller, the main character is faced with a terrifying situation (an impending disaster, a serial killer, unknown viruses), the solution to which becomes learning new skills and abilities.

In a thriller, all the clues are in plain sight, so the reader expects more cool plot twists than out-of-the-box answers to questions. Thrillers are heavily influenced by the audience’s senses, whereas detectives require connecting the intellectual side of things.

Popular subtypes of the thriller
Medical Thriller: Modern medical technology kills rather than cures. Robin Cook is considered the master of such a thriller.

Legal Thriller: Usually, a lawyer or person from the legal field comes to power through great risk and sacrifice.

Disaster Thriller: A city dam will be destroyed within 24 hours; a meteorite of monstrous proportions is approaching the Earth; a tsunami invades a populated coast, and other options. Usually natural or man-made cataclysms that affect most of the population of a city or country are taken as the basis.

Psychological thriller: Often in the center of the plot – mentally unhealthy character or the environment, which strongly affects the psychological state.

Horror: “Silence of the Lambs” is the clearest example of such a thriller, which includes elements of mental, emotional, and physical trauma of the main character who has to fight a man/monster. This subspecies is also closely related to thrillers, which are based on a serial killer plot in which the main character moves in the trail of a particularly dangerous criminal.

Techno Thriller: This genre often focuses on military technology and events.

Among the variety of thrillers, it is also worth noting such trends as spy, detective, romantic, historical, political, erotic thrillers.