How to write a great book review

Have you ever read a book that you loved so much that you just had to tell everyone about it? Writing a great book review is the perfect way to share your love of literature with others and can even be an enjoyable creative endeavor. Whether you’re writing for fun or hoping to get published, crafting a high-quality review takes time and effort — but if done well, it will result in a compelling piece of work that readers are sure to appreciate! Keep reading for some helpful tips on how to write an engaging book review. IB Student Help is a service that can help with your book review if you are short on time.

Taking Notes to Write a Great Book Review

When taking notes while reading, it’s important to focus on all aspects of the book and not just one area. Consider the plot, characters, themes, and overall style of writing when making your notes. Additionally, jot down any quotes or passages that stood out to you while reading, as these will come in handy when discussing the book in your review.

How Should You Take Notes?

Note-taking can be done in many different ways – handwriting, typing up on a computer or tablet, or even using an audio recorder app if that suits your preferences better! It all depends on what works for you as a reader. Just make sure that when taking notes about quotes and passages, you keep track of page numbers so that you can easily locate them later when writing your review.

When Should You Take Notes?

You can take notes at any point during or after your reading session; however, it’s best to take them while actively reading so that they are fresh in your mind and more accurate. This also makes it easier to remember key points and details from the book, which is essential for creating an effective review.

Start With Your Thoughts and Feelings

One of the best ways to make sure that your review is interesting, informative, and engaging is by writing down your thoughts and feelings while reading. Don’t worry about writing formal sentences – just jot down anything that comes to mind in bullet points, so you don’t forget it later on. This will help ensure that all aspects of the story are covered in your review without missing anything important! And don’t forget to note any parts of the story that made you laugh or cry!

Once you finish reading the book and have all of your thoughts written down on paper, it’s time to start organizing them into paragraphs for your review. Start by introducing yourself (a short description) as well as some background information about the author or genre of the book. Then move on to summarizing what happened in each chapter before diving into character analysis, themes discussed in the story, any controversy surrounding it, etc. Finally, conclude with your overall rating/opinion on how successful this story was in delivering its intended message.

Book Summary

When writing a book review, one of the most important things is giving an accurate summary of the story. This should include details such as the protagonist, major plot points, and any other relevant information that readers need to know before reading the book. It’s essential that you don’t give away spoilers or major plot twists, as this could ruin someone’s experience with the book. An effective summary should explain what happened in the story without going into too much detail.

In addition to summarizing what happens in the story, you should also analyze some deeper elements of the story, such as the theme and characters. When talking about themes, think about what themes are explored in the novel and how those themes relate to your own life experiences.

When discussing characters, consider their motivations, development throughout the story, and how they interact with each other.

In addition to summarizing and offering your opinion on the book, make sure you also think about who might read it and why they would be interested in doing so. For example, if you are reviewing a children’s book, then consider who would find it appealing – parents looking for something fun for their kids. Are teachers looking for something educational? It can also help explain why others might not enjoy the same things as you did – different people have different preferences, after all!


Writing a great book review is not as difficult as it may seem. By following the simple steps of reading the book, taking notes, and writing down your thoughts and feelings, you can summarize the story and give your opinion on it. This will help you write a well-rounded book review that people will enjoy reading.